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It was said that: the Frontino’s name comes from some white spots in the front of certain animals like horses and simius.
There’s other version is: the word Frontino means the silver rock incrusted in the Cerro Plateado pick.

Frontino is the principal municipio in the north west of Colombia, it is situated in a privileged geo-strategic zone; From the west, it is close from the Pacific Ocean (Solano bay) and Panama republic, by the north is very near from the Atlantic Ocean (Urabá Gulf).

Frontino is also surrounded by beautiful mountains, one in special, is named Cerro Plateado with its silver rock always sparkling during the summer days.

The climate is tropical but variated. It’s climate I usually mild in dry days (21 centigrade). In rainy periods the landscape is usually smoggy and gray.

Frontino is rich in minerals like gold, cooper, silver and platinum, there are also calcareous stone and tibe stone very uncommon, it’s only founded in Brasil and The Urales Montains.

The base of its economy is sugar cane plantations which is manufactured as “panela” product and then distributed to other cities of the country. Another products like coffee, corn, beans, cacao, and banana are cultivated in many areas.

This industry has been increasing in the last years and its milk production is a large source to distribute to many places of Colombia.

Forest resources
This municipio is very rich in valuable woods like roble and comino crespo.

The orchid is the most important flower in the zone with a large variety and beauty.It’s also demanded from many countries.

The jungle and large forests are good to supply food to exotic birds, ducks, simius and small tigers.(tigrillos)

In the central square there’s the cathedral, ancient and well conserved in a gothic style. It’s religious images, are imported from Spain; in the holly week are taken out to the streets in solemn processions, to pray and to worship the Christ passion. 


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